PRJ Latest News
PRJ holds 3rd Successful Living Graduation!
Piedmont Regional Jail Authority held it’s third Graduation Ceremony of the evidence-based re-entry program Successful Living on April 21, 2023. In partnership with Crossroads Community Service Board, the 12-week evidence-based re-entry program helps male and female offenders to learn strategies to overcome barriers that lead to substance abuse and managing triggers. The Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) […]
PRJA offers VA Driver’s Education class to offenders
Piedmont Regional Jail provides those offenders without a valid Driver’s License an opportunity to better prepare themselves for return to his/her community. The driver’s education classes are being facilitated by Mr. Eric Paul of Transition Solutions Enterprise located in Blackstone, Virginia. Mr. Paul began classes March 3, 2023 for both male and female offenders. Mr. […]
PRJA Staff attend 2023 VARJ Conference
Piedmont Regional Jail Authority staff attended the Annual VARJ conference in Virginia Beach. Major Royal Eanes and Major Lanay Walker taught a class called “The Fundamentals of Leadership”. Lieutenant Danielle Vaughan-Byrd facilitated classes as a member of the Training Committee.
Piedmont Regional Jail hosts ServSafe Certification Course
Piedmont Regional Jail Authority continues to enhance its Reentry Initiative by hosting a ServSafe Certification course. Each offender was certified as a Food Handler, which enhances the opportunity for employment as they return to their communities upon release. The course was facilitated by Arthur Paul and Paul Hill of 360 Food Safety Consultants, LLC. The […]